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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
29 March 2012

Basic rent unit in Belarus at Br54,000 as from 1 April

MINSK, 29 March (BelTA) – Basic rent unit will be Br54,000 in Belarus as from 1 April. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed relevant decree No. 150 on 29 March, the press service of the head of state told BelTA. The document regulates procedures used to determine rental fees for real estate using basic rent unit.In the future the basic rent unit will be set by the Council of Ministers every year taking into account annual inflation (the consumer price index of the previous year to the one before) and will come into force as from 1 April. The measure is supposed to create an understandable and predictable mechanism to change rental fees for real estate . In 2011 the consumer price index totaled 153.2% in comparison with 2010. This is why the basic rent unit will be calculated as multiplication of the basic unit that existed in 2011 and the consumer price index 35,000 x 153.2% = 53,620 (54,000). The decree also abolishes state regulation of rental fees for market stalls in privately owned markets and trading centers. The document forbids raising the rental fee due to inseparable improvements performed by tenants. The measure is supposed to protect tenants from higher rental fees in view of the improvements of the property they have accomplished.


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