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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
6 April 2021

Belarus adopts new construction regulations

Belarus has adopted new construction regulations. This is set forth in new resolutions of the Belarusian Architecture and Construction Ministry that were officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal on 6 April, BelTA has learned.

Resolution No.90 of 16 November 2020 approves the construction regulations on special-purpose hydraulic structures. They set requirements for the design of such structures as hydroelectric power plants, locks, facilities of ports and shipyards, fish-passing and fish protection facilities.

The ministry's Resolution No.86 of 16 November 2020 approves the construction regulations on general layouts of industrial and agricultural enterprises. These regulations lay down requirements for the design of general layouts as part of design documentation of buildings under construction or renovation, structures of industrial and agricultural enterprises as well as general layouts of industrial hubs.

These construction regulations were drawn up by Stroytechnorm, the organization in the field of technical normalization and standardization in construction, and introduced by the main department of urban planning and innovation policy of the Architecture and Construction Ministry. They will enter into force 60 days after their official publication.

All regulations and draft documents in the field of construction are available on the official website of the Belarusian Architecture and Construction Ministry ( in the section “Construction regulations and rules”.


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