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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
25 February 2008

Belarus border guard cracks down on illegal migration

The State Border Committee of Belarus believes it is necessary to amend the Criminal Code and the Administrative Violations Code of Belarus in order to step up criminal, administrative and financial responsibility for illegal actions relating to the organisation and aiding and abetting of illegal migration, Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Igor Rachkovsky told BelTA. In his words, preventive legislation, which takes into account possible development of the migration situation, is necessary to effectively counteract these illegal activities. “Illegal migration is a most lucrative business for transboundary crime groups,” noted the source. Igor Rachkovsky also pointed out, out of all the neighbouring states Belarus’ border with the European Union is the longest one (around 1,250 km). In 2001 over 1,200 illegal migrants were seized while trying to cross the Belarusian-EU border, while in 2007 the figure shrank to around 250. According to international organisations the Belarusian section is one of the most reliable sections of the European Union border. Main illegal migration streams are channelled to bypass Belarus, stressed the official. The State Border Committee of Belarus vigorously cooperates with law enforcement bodies, border guard agencies of the neighbouring states and international law enforcement agencies in revealing illegal migration channels. In 2007 around 20 organisers and abetters of this illegal activity were seized, added Igor Rachkovsky. According to Article 371-1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus the organisation of illegal migration of foreign citizens and stateless persons is punishable by an arrest up to six months long or custodial restraint up to five years long or imprisonment up to five years long. A repeated same action or an action committed by a group of people or by an official through abuse of office is punishable by imprisonment of three to seven years with or without the forfeiture of property.

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