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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
7 September 2010

Belarus’ export may double by 2015

MINSK, 7 September (BelTA) – Belarus’ potential is strong enough to double its export by 2015, BelTA learnt from academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Piotr Nikitenko who took part in the development of the national export development program 2006-2010. “The fulfillment of the task is possible if the GDP’s annual growth makes up 6-7%. This is a lower bound, the indices that should be fulfilled and even over-fulfilled if we aim better living conditions in the country,” the scientist believes. According to Piotr Nikitenko, Belarus has been developing export-import relations with more than 160 countries. Priority is given to the export of goods and services to Russia, Ukraine, China, America and Africa. “I am confident that very soon the country will be able to expand the geography of its export, by building up a multi-directed export policy,” he considers. However, while opening new markets, one should not forget its traditional trading partners. “We need to expand, not just switch to new markets,” Piotr Nikitenko said. In his words, a draft national export development program 2011-2015 is to be ready by the end of the year. A ministerial commission (with Foreign Minister Sergei Martynov in the chair) has been set up to define the country’s foreign trade midterm development strategy. The commission will also comprise representatives of the NASB Institute of Economy.


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