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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
27 December 2012

Belarus’ export of potash fertilizers down 19.2% in January-October

MINSK, 27 December (BelTA) - In January-October of 2012, Belarus reduced the export of potash fertilizers by 19.2% as against the same period last year to 3,233,700 tonnes. The average price was $733 per tonne, an increase of 3.6%, BelTA learnt from the National Statistics Committee. Export to the CIS countries went down by 15.3% to 132.900 tonnes (the average price was $700 per tonne, down by 3%). Deliveries to the countries outside the CIS fell by 19.3% to 3,100,800 tonnes (the average price was $734 per tonne, up 3.8%). In order to optimize the exports of potash fertilizers, Belarus has expanded the list of special exporters of potash fertilizers. In accordance with Decree No. 566 of 22 December 2012, the exclusive right to export Belarusian muriate of potash (MOP) which is solely controlled and owned by the Belarusian government will be granted to, alongside OAO Belaruskali and the Belarusian Potash Company, to other organizations selected by the head of state. Thus, Belaruskali will export potash fertilizers and sell them to the Belarusian Potash Company as well as other organizations selected by the President of Belarus. Previously the exclusive right of foreign trade (in terms of export) of potash fertilizers was vested solely with Belaruskali and the Belarusian Potash Company. Belaruskali was in charge of export of potash fertilizers and the Belarusian Potash Company was responsible for their sale outside the country. The Soligorsk-based company OAO Belaruskali is one of the world’s top manufacturers of potash fertilizers. Belaruskali accounts for over 16% of the global export of potassium. The annual output is more than 10 million tonnes. Belaruskali sells its products into more than 50 countries. The company is developing the Starobin deposit of potash salts, one of the largest in the world and the second largest in the CIS. The state owns 100% of shares of Belaruskali. ZAO Belarusian Potash Company is an exclusive supplier of potash fertilizers made by Belaruskali (Soligorsk, Belarus) and Uralkali (Perm, Russia) and the world's leading exporter of these products. ZAO Belarusian Potash Company was set up in 2005. The shareholders are OAO Belaruskali (45%), OAO Uralkali (50%) and Belarusian Railways (5%). The share of Belarusian Potash Company in the global export of potash fertilizers is 43%. BPC exports potash fertilizers to Europe, China, India, Central and South America, the United States, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. In January-October of 2012, Belarus’ export of nitrogen fertilizers went down by 29% as against the same period last year to 168,600 tonnes. Exports to the CIS countries increased by 25.8% (1,500 tonnes), to non-CIS countries reduced by 29.3% than in the same period in 2011 (167,100 tonnes). The average price for nitrogen fertilizers went down by 14.9% as compared with January-October 2011 to $826 per tonne.


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