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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
23 April 2007

Belarus intends to continue fulfilling its defence obligations in Union State framework

Belarus intends to continue fulfilling its obligations in the sphere of defence within the framework of the Belarus-Russia Union State, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, said today during a meeting with the Defence Minister of Russia, Anatoly Serdyukov.

“Dealing with issues concerning defence capacity, we should proceed from the fact that it is our common Fatherland,” the head of state said. Belarus will continue interaction within the framework of the regional group of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia, he said.

The President praised Belarusian-Russian cooperation in military sphere. “Fortunately, problems in military sphere are not caused by either of our countries. They are brought to us in the form of challenges from outside,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “We are concerned about the situation unfolding at our borders. I think we are to discuss these problems today,” he added. The President said he was ready to answer all the questions he would be asked during today’s meeting. He said he believed it would help in making specific decisions.

Alexander Lukashenko repeated: “Whatever the relationship between the leaders of Belarus and Russia may be, security issues are sacred. Nobody is allowed to play on them or use as a lever. We have never done this and neither have we intention to do this in the future. Ensuring the defence capacity of our Union State, Belarus must proceed from the fact that this is our common Fatherland and it is only together that we can defend it.”

This is why a joint military group has been formed in the western direction. Belarus is full of determination to continue acting in this direction, and the Russians should know that, the Belarusian leader said. “This issue is no subject to any changes, as some try to show it. This is our sacred mission and obligation. The military, together, should secure order. I hope Russia, too, will respond in an appropriate way,” the President said.

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