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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
9 November 2012

Belarus, Leningrad Oblast to cooperate in construction, agriculture, high technology

MINSK, 9 November (BelTA) - Belarus and Leningrad Oblast intend to step up cooperation in construction, agriculture and high technology. These and other promising areas of cooperation were discussed at a meeting between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Governor of Leningrad Oblast Alexander Drozdenko on 9 November. Leningrad Oblast is an important trading partner of Belarus among the regions of Russia, the head of state said. In recent years, the bilateral trade has been steadily increasing. However, Alexander Lukashenko noted with regret that the pre-crisis level of 2008 has not yet been reached and the current trade does not match the potential of bilateral cooperation. “Economic realities show that we cannot limit ourselves to the commodities traditional for our bilateral trade. Opportunities should be explored for diversification of mutual supplies, including through increasing the share of high-technology and high-tech products in our trade,” said the Belarusian leader. According to the President, Belarus has sufficient resources to meet the needs of Leningrad Oblast in different types of modern technology. “We have the opportunities to step up cooperation practically in all areas,” Alexander Lukashenko said. The President noted that Leningrad Oblast has achieved significant success in breeding livestock and aims to ramp up the capacity of its poultry industry. Belarus, in turn, has accumulated considerable experience in building agricultural infrastructure facilities, production of relevant equipment and development of technologies for the production and processing of agricultural products. Another promising area of cooperation is high technology. For example, Leningrad Oblast is in the middle of setting up an innovative cluster for medical, pharmaceutical industry and radiation technology. “As part of the governmental innovation development program, we are working on the cluster for nano-, bio-technology and pharmaceuticals. Here I see inexhaustible possibilities for fruitful interaction between our scientists and technology experts,” said Alexander Lukashenko. In addition, the President drew attention to the considerable production potential of Belarus and Leningrad Oblast. There are opportunities to develop industrial cooperation. Leningrad Oblast can also get interested in the experience of Belarusian builders in design and construction of infrastructure, industrial, social facilities and housing. “We are ready to implement an integrated construction project “Belarusian Quarter” or “Belarusian Village” in one of the districts of Leningrad Oblast. We have agreed with some regions of Russia on the construction of agro-towns and similar objects, and, as I have been reported, we are switching to the stage of practical implementation,” the President added. Talking about the cooperation with regions of Russia, Alexander Lukashenko underlined that it was these relations that saved the Belarusian-Russian relations in difficult times. “Further development of allied relations with Russia, mutually beneficial partnership with the regions is the main priority of our foreign policy,” said the Belarusian leader. He noted that the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation would increase with the development of the Customs Union, the Single Economic Space, and the Eurasian Union in the future. In turn, Alexander Drozdenko stressed that Belarus and Leningrad Oblast have close ties in social, cultural and economic areas. In his words, the parties are discussing proposals for further development of cooperation. “Today we welcome Belarusian business in Leningrad Oblast. Your laws and our legislation allow for Belarusian companies to partake in all our programs financed from the federal and oblast budgets,” the Governor said. Alexander Drozdenko invited Belarus to partake in the rural social development program. This program envisages construction of social facilities and housing in the rural areas. “Here the Belarusian experience will be useful for us. We have determined the cost of one square meter of housing (RUB32,000) and your specialists assured us that they are ready to partake in the program,” the Governor said. Another program stipulates an upgrade of the utilities services in Leningrad Oblast. “We count on the supplies of the Belarusian equipment. Your utilities equipment is highly competitive in quality and price,” Alexander Drozdenko said. He added that there are plans to involve Belarusian specialists not only in agriculture but also in forestry. Alexander Drozdenko said that negotiations on the supply of Belarusian buses to Leningrad Oblast had already taken place. The Governor confirmed the interest in developing cooperation in the social housing construction. “We should take a closer look at other areas of cooperation. It can be state-of-the-art technologies, nanotechnologies, nuclear and pharmaceutical technologies,” the Governor said.


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