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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
23 October 2007

Belarus will remain faithful to CIS integration, Alexander Lukashenko says

Belarus will remain faithful to the CIS integration, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said on October 23 when meeting with Sergei Lebedev, the Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee – the CIS Secretary Executive. According to the Belarusian Head of State, the CIS development concept and the plan of action to implement the concept, which were approved at the CIS summit in Dushanbe, allow the CIS member state focus on concrete aspects in this direction. Belarus took an active part in drawing up these documents and in approving them. Belarus’ President congratulated Sergei Lebedev on his appointment as Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Secretary Executive and noted that “this is a difficult job considering the modern-day relations between the CIS member states.” In turn, Sergei Lebedev noted that Belarus is one of the locomotives of the CIS integration. He added he would do everything to make the Commonwealth stronger. “For that there are historical prerequisites and traditions which our nations are bound with,” said Sergei Lebedev.

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