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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
19 October 2007

Commission of European Communities to open Representative Office in Belarus

By his ordinance Head of State Alexander Lukashenko approved a draft agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Commission of the European Communities on establishing, privileges and immunities of a Representative Office of the Commission of the European Communities in Belarus, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. In line with the draft Belarus gives consent to establish a Representative Office of the Commission of the European Communities on its territory. Belarus also recognises legal personality of every European community on its territory as well as its rights to conclude contracts, buy property and administer estate, so they could perform their functions. The Commission of the European Communities will represent the interests of the European communities in Belarus. On a reciprocal basis Belarus gives the Representative Office, its head and officials as well as members of their families living in Belarus the rights, privileges and immunities stipulated in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 for diplomatic missions (in particular, sanctity of offices, correspondence and archives, immunity against criminal jurisdiction, tax concessions). The agreement comes into force on the day of signing. Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Valery Voronetsky has been authorised to negotiate the draft agreement.

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