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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
15 May 2012

CSTO: Political and economic pressure is “unacceptable”

MOSCOW, 15 May (BelTA) – The presidents of the CSTO member states believe that attempts to use political and economic pressure against other countries, including the CSTO Participating states, are unacceptable. They believe that only an equal dialogue based on mutual respect can help resolve disputes. This message was formalized in a joint declaration of the presidents of the CSTO Participating states adopted at a session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Moscow on 15 May, BelTA has learnt. The presidents of the CSTO member states called for enhancing the status and role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in international relations to promote an equal political dialogue taking into the consideration the interests of all the OSCE member states. At the same time, the CSTO heads of state deem it necessary to further streamline the OSCE institutions, including its missions, elaborate the OSCE charter, optimize humanitarian efforts and involvement of NGOs, develop unified election observation rules for the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, promote tolerance and non-discrimination, counteract the neo-Nazi movement in modern Europe. The presidents of the CSTO member states upheld the optimization of the OSCE activities to respond to transnational security challenges and threats, including terrorism and religious extremism, organized crime, corruption, human trafficking, illicit drug trade and illegal migration.


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