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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
14 November 2007

Distribution network increasingly important for Belarusian exports

Nearly 70% of Belarus’ exports to Russia and other CIS member states go through the distribution network. An indisputable leader is the Industry Ministry. The network of its companies has been set up in 63 countries, including 52 non-CIS states, Trade Minister of Belarus Alexander Ivankov told BelTA. Belarusian companies have created 220 objects of the commodity distribution network, with 73% of them being deployed in the Russian Federation, 15% - in non-CIS countries including Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Morocco, Singapore, the USA and Turkey. “Belarus’ economy is export-oriented. Without being present in the international market we cannot freely integrate into the international trade,” the minister said. One of the elements of a commodity distribution network is trade and logistic centres. They are extremely important for increasing the efficiency and optimising the commodity distribution network in the Russian Federation and other countries. According to Alexander Ivankov, creation of the centres will help boost exports of Belarusian goods through applying such new mechanisms as export cooperation, information-technical resources, transport and trade-logistic technology. “We intend to open trade and logistic centres in the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other countries. In Moscow, for example, by the end of 2009 Belarus will build a multifunctional wholesale food centre “Moscow- Republic of Belarus,” Alexander Ivankov informed. Speaking about the trade-economic cooperation of Belarus with Arab countries, the minister said that in 2007-2008 a distribution network will be set up in the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Sudan. Major areas of interaction will be auto and light industries.

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