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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
3 January 2011

Export duties on oil and oil products imposed in Belarus

MINSK, 3 January (BelTA) - Belarus has imposed export duties on oil and oil products exported from its territory outside the Customs Union. Corresponding resolution No 1932 of the Council of Ministers of 31 December 2010 came into force on 1 January 2011, in accordance with Decree No 716 “On rates of export customs duties” of 31 December 2010, BelTA learnt from the council of ministers Office. Two resolutions of the Council of Ministers were recognized as invalid, namely Resolution No 56 “On the rules of determining the amount payable to the budget regarding export duties on oil products” as of 20 January 2005 and Resolution No 443 “On establishing export customs duties” as of 27 March 2010. The rate of export customs duties on 1 tonne of crude oil is $317.5, oil with sulfur content - $117.5. the customs duty on light oil (light distillates, middle distillates) is equal $226.2 per 1 tonne. The duty on heavy petroleum products (liquid fuels, oils, waste oils) is $121.9, on propane, butanes, ethylene, propylene and butadiene, other liquefied gases - $149.3, on petroleum jelly, mineral waxes, and similar products - $121 9. A reminder, since 1 January 2011 Belarus has imported Russian oil and oil products without duties and limits. It is envisaged in the agreement on calculating and distributing customs duties (other equivalent duties, taxes and fees), which are levied from the crude oil and certain derivatives that are exported from Belarus outside the Customs Union. The agreement on the Single Economic Space was signed by the presidents of the Customs Union member states on 9 December 2010. The document was ratified by the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus on 21 December and approved by the Council of the Republic on 22 December 2010. This indicates that the document takes effect in Belarus from 1 January 2011. The agreement stipulates new conditions for the delivery of oil and oil products to Belarus. It has also addressed issues relating to the collection and transfer of customs duties on crude oil and certain derivatives, which are exported from Belarus beyond borders of the Customs Union, to Russia’s state budget. The ratification of the agreement on the new procedure for paying and transferring export duties will introduce a new scheme. Customs duties on the export of Belarusian crude oil will be transferred to Belarus’ budget while customs duties on the export of oil products will be transferred to Russia’s budget.


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