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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
18 May 2011

Full throttle for Belarus-Armenia economic relations

MINSK, 18 May (BelTA) – Belarus and Armenia should fully use the economic component of their relations. The statement was made when President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko met with Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan in Minsk on 18 May, BelTA has learned. Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that over the last ten years Belarus-Armenia trade has increased by more than 16 times – from $2.9 million in 2009 to $47.2 million in 2010. In his words, this year has seen a small decline in the bilateral trade but in the near future the countries would be able to overcome it and increase export. Alexander Lukashenko believes it is the tendency from Belarus’ point of view. In 2001-2010 Belarus’ export increased by 35 times. “I think it will apply to Yerevan, too, because there are necessary conditions for it,” said the Belarusian head of state. The President remarked that the bilateral trade increased mainly in the last few years. “I remember the times when we thought about establishing any relations in trade instead of increasing trade figures. Then we decided that normal conditions should be created in Armenia and Belarus while self-employed entrepreneurs and businessmen will be able to find ways on their own,” said Alexander Lukashenko. Alexander Lukashenko said he believes the present visit of the Prime Minister of Armenia would give a major boost to the development of relations between the countries. Alexander Lukashenko asked to deliver his warm and kind wishes to President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. “Thanks to his responsive attitude to all proposals of the Belarusian side we have managed to establish these relations. In tenfold proportion. Any politics, any talks mean nothing without an economic foundation,” he said. The President also expressed his wish for Armenia to decently live through the pre-election period. “I would like you to decently overcome this period so that the positive dynamics and the tendencies that exist in the economy and the society would be preserved, so that the Armenian people would always have good living standards. I would like you to move on towards prosperity at the same pace”. In turn, on behalf of the President of Armenia Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan expressed good wishes to the Belarusian nation and Alexander Lukashenko for the special attitude and personal contribution to cooperation between the countries. He said he was confident that the advanced political dialogue that has evolved provides for fully using the economic component among other things. Tigran Sargsyan told Alexander Lukashenko about his meeting with his counterpart Mikhail Myasnikovich. At the meeting the sides discussed the agenda of Belarusian-Armenian relations in detail.


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