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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
26 September 2008

Lidia Yermoshina: calls to boycott elections are irresponsible and immoral

Any calls designed to sabotage such an important event as the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly are irresponsible and immoral, BelTA learnt from Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina during the presentation of the CEC information centre at the Palace of Republic on September 26. Such calls are immoral from a civil point of view and are aimed at destabilizing the situation in the country, Lidia Yermoshina added. “Nobody will gain from wrecking the elections. It is harmful for any society and any state,” the CEC Chief said. Lidia Yermoshina underlined that according to the electoral law of the Republic of Belarus, the calls to boycott elections are not forbidden. Only on the day of the elections, September 28, the campaigning will not be allowed. Before September 28, all these activities are legal. “The calls to boycott the elections are the personal matter of those who do it. But those politicians that pursue this policy are doomed for extinction,” the CEC Chairperson is convinced.


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