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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
6 May 2011

Lukashenko calls for tough measures after Minsk subway explosion

MINSK, 6 May (BelTA) – There is a need for tough measures to prevent repeat of such cases as the explosion in the Minsk metro, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko siad at a meeting on the progress in the investigation into the explosion at the Oktyabrskaya metro station. “I want to draw the attention of heads of all agencies, organizations, factories, plants: install order! Working hours should be given to work. No loafing about, etc.,” the head of state said. Addressing the State Secretary of the Security Council, Leonid Maltsev, Alexander Lukashenko said: “We have agreed that decisions should be taken immediately regarding cases of mismanagement and disorder in the public sector, even private companies." According to the President, the investigation into the terrorist act and other criminal cases has shown weaknesses in the Belarusian society. “This is not good: when we started looking into the case we saw that the man had a chance to leave work unimpeded, pick up some bolts and other fixtures, and go about his business, including testing bombs in the woods. And nobody had seen this!” the head of state said. “We should put an end to it,” the President demanded. “We have the Soviet experience of Andropov times. Like it someone or not, but this is how we should make everyone work,” the President added. According to the President, there is another negative tendency in the society. “We work without making much effort, half the work time. We give half what we should, and we want to live well. It does not happen this way,” said the head of state. “Please make everybody work so that we would not have to deal with another situation, so that we would not run around again calling for measures to restore order in the society,” stressed Alexander Lukashenko. According to the President, the preliminary results of inspections exposed flaws not only in law enforcement. “Educational institutions and enterprises have much more mismanagement and disorder than necessary. In particular, inspections in schools revealed a lot of failures in the organization of educational process, in holding cultural events, handling ammunition or chemical agents. Facilities that pose threat to life and health of people are located in close proximity to schools,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko said that he instructed to inspect all educational institutions, including secondary schools, and also enterprises. “The analysis of the situation at the plant where the accused person worked attests to bad management, protectionism, indifference, poor personnel and ideological work. The aforesaid as a whole makes a favorable environment for asocial views and ideas,” the President believes. In his words, the country has everything necessary, from a well-developed legal framework, cutting-edge e-technologies and telecommunications systems to special units, to provide every condition for people to feel calm and secured any time and in any situation. “We have developed the whole system of necessary measures and regulatory framework, so why does this system fail to operate smoothly?” the head of state wandered. He also added that wise and rational decisions are needed not only in the investigation of the crimes but also in molding an efficient system of security measures. The President reiterated that the Minsk metro bombers had been brought relevant charges, and a number of criminal cases had been opened against several executives who should have prevented the tragedy. Addressing the meeting participants, Alexander Lukashenko noted that some issues regarding this dreadful act of terrorism still remain open, but the main thing, according to him, is to prevent such crimes from happening again.


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