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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
7 February 2023

Lukashenko holds meeting with chairman of Supreme Court

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko held a working meeting with Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin Sukalo, BelTA has learned.

The head of state asked about the development of the judicial system in Belarus, the results of the measures taken to reform it, including the constitutional changes. Another topic was the commission being set up in Belarus to work with citizens who have committed offenses and who wish to return home. Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the opinion of Valentin Sukalo about the upcoming work.

The president emphasized that this year will mark the 100th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Belarus.

"We have launched the reform of the judicial system. What the results of this work are? We are soon to hold the Belarusian People's Congress. The courts will be brought under the supervision of the Belarusian People's Congress. Therefore, the independence of the judiciary has been thus strengthened," the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked Valentin Sukalo, whether he believes some mistakes were made: "This is very important. Were we wrong here? Have we made a mistake? Both with regard to the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. We make it more independent as we are raising it up to the Belarusian People's Congress."

The head of state also asked about the institution of appeal at the Supreme Court, taking into account the experience of economic courts. "We have already gained some experience. What is the situation here?" the president asked.

Another issue is the work with applications of citizens who want to return home. “We have just discussed the matter with [Prosecutor General of Belarus] Andrei Shved. We have started the work with those who fled the country. Nevertheless, under the law, we take a lot of decisions in courts to punish the perpetrators of such crimes. I mean people who are here, in the country. How does it work together, are there any contradictions here?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked. “What is your opinion regarding this work with those who fled the country? Someone fled out of fright. I would like to hear your assessment of the decision to set up the commission to give a chance to people to return home.”

The president was also interested in the legal proceedings Valentin Sukalo was supervising.

Valentin Sukalo assured the president that the judicial system met all the constitutional requirements. “It calmly responds to all challenges and threats. At the same time, it does not stand still. It continues to improve and reform. The reforms have already brought about the first results. The judicial reform has coincided in time with the constitutional one. We have completed the third stage of the judicial reform. These efforts have been enshrined at the highest constitutional level,” the chairman of the Supreme Court said.

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