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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
9 November 2021

Lukashenko updated on performance of petrochemical complex

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim Andrei Rybakov and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov on 8 November to hear out a report on the performance of the domestic petrochemical complex, BelTA has learned. 

The head of state outlined a number of issues that had to be discussed. He emphasized the important role of the petrochemical complex in the domestic economy and regional development. 

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked about projected budget revenues, the supply of raw materials, the situation around the sanctions imposed by the West, as well as the terms of operation of domestic enterprises in the Belarus-Russia Union State taking into account a number of arrangements with Russia. The progress in implementing investment projects was also discussed.

"What is the situation now? What is the status of the budget? How are things here? What is the progress in the implementation of the plans that we have made?" the Belarusian leader asked first of all. 

The second item was the supply of raw materials. "What is the status of oil supplies to our refineries, what are the sources of supply? Are there any problems here?" the head of state outlined another topic for conversation. 

"Thirdly, it is clear that they are trying to hurt us, primarily, in the petrochemical sector, the supply and sale of petroleum products. Our foreign so-called partners have not behaved very decently. They have imposed sanctions. What is the situation now?" the president asked.

The next item on the agenda was the business terms of operation of Belarusian and Russian enterprises: "We still have differences here. The tax maneuver remains in place. We seem to have reached some agreements but there are still some problems. What is this difference in the business terms of operation in the Union State?" 

Aleksandr Lukashenko was also interested in the implementation of investment projects. “We agreed that these investment projects should be completed this year. We need to plan our trips to these refineries to see how these projects are implemented. I am also talking about the project at Grodno Azot [construction of a new nitrogen plant],” the head of state said.

Andrei Rybakov briefed the head of state that all the organizations included the ones of Belneftekhim Concern have been working stably this year. “We have secured industrial output growth. We do not produce to stock, but export our goods. The warehouse stocks have decreased in comparison with the beginning of this year,” Andrei Rybakov said.

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