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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
25 May 2012

Lukashenko wants past glories venerated

POLOTSK, 25 May (BelTA) – Venerating glorious pages in the history of the nation is the foundation of patriotism and civic consciousness, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the concert timed to the 1150th anniversary of the foundation of the Belarusian town of Polotsk on 25 May. Alexander Lukashenko said: “The date is important not only for Polotsk residents. It inspires a profound feeling of national pride in the heart of every Belarusian. Venerating glorious pages in the history of the nation is the foundation of patriotism and civic consciousness. Just like roots feed and stabilize a tree so the past and respect for deeds of the ancestors elevate and dignify a man, shape the nation and make it stronger”. The President stressed that the Polotsk land is the birthplace of the Belarusian statehood. The town has played a prominent role in the history and as the spiritual cradle of the nation. “It is the place from where the light of orthodox belief, written language, and art spread,” said the head of state. Yet he remarked that the town’s development is going on and is aimed for the future.


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