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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
3 December 2013

Makei to lead Belarus’ delegation at OSCE Ministerial Council in Kyiv

MINSK, 3 December (BelTA) – The 20th OSCE Ministerial Council will take place in Kyiv on 5-6 December 2013. Belarus’ Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei will lead Belarus’ delegation at the forum, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

“The Ministerial Council is a major annual event of the OSCE. The forum will review the situation in the OSCE responsibility area, assess the work of the organization and set the tasks for the short-term perspective,” the Foreign Ministry explained.

The OSCE Ministerial Council will discuss a broad range of matters covering all cooperation areas within the framework of the OSCE. The participants will analyze the preliminary results of the Helsinki + 40 process that is aimed at maintaining peace in the OSCE and will approve a corresponding ministerial declaration.

A number of other documents are to be passed, including the decisions to combat human trafficking and transnational challenges and threats, and to protect non-nuclear energy infrastructure from man-made and natural disasters.

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