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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
28 January 2008

Truckers block entrance route to Polish border checkpoint Koroszczyn

Drivers of heavy haulers have blocked the road leading to the border checkpoint Koroszczyn at the Belarusian-Polish border. They demand the authorities should promptly settle the problems with crossing Poland’ eastern border. The problems were brought about by the strike of the Customs Service of Poland. So far the border checkpoint Koroszczyn where around 1,500 trucks have congested waiting to cross the border, with the queuing duration estimated at 80 hours, is where the situation is most complicated. At the border checkpoint Bobrowniki only half of the day customs team works. Around 300 trucks have formed a queue of 8 km long. At the border checkpoint Kuznica Bialostocka 40% of the crew works. Over 100 automobiles are waiting to cross the border. “We constantly monitor the situation at the border and maintain communication with the Customs Chamber in Bialystok and the local authorities,” Belarus’ Consul General to Bialystok Mikhail Alekseichik told BelTA. “The Vice-Consul and I regularly visit the border checkpoints to get familiar with the situation,” noted the diplomat. In his words, the local authorities are doing their best to help truckers, who have been in queues for days. Mobile amenities are deployed near the border, drivers are offered hot meals and hot water.

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