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Lepel Regional Executive Committee
31 October 2008

Twenty state-run companies of Vitebsk oblast to be reorganized into open joint-stock societies in 2009

Twenty state-run companies of the Vitebsk oblast (more than 9 thousand employees) are expected to be reorganized into open joint-stock societies in 2009, BelTA learnt from Svetlana Lukashevich, the director of the Vitebsk territorial fund “Vitebskoblimuschestvo”. The reorganization of the companies is held in line with the plan of privatization of state-run economic entities for 2008-2009 which was approved by Council of Ministers’ resolution No 1021 of July 14, 2008. The list of the companies includes Vityaz Company, VZEP Company, Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant, Novopolotsk Oil Transportation Company “Druzhba” and others. The Vitebsk territorial fund “Vitebskoblimuschestvo” is expected to conduct training seminars for management of those companies in November this year. Participants of the seminars will discuss the peculiarities of preparation of projects on reorganization of companies into open joint-stock societies, other issues. Moreover, specialists of the fund will help the companies to decide what to do with the facilities of social infrastructure, to organize the participation of their employees in free privatization. The plan of reorganization of state-run companies into open joint-stock societies for 2008-2010 includes 52 companies of the Vitebsk oblast. Till the end of 2008, 15 companies (around 15 thousand employees) of the region are expected to be reorganized into open joint-stock societies.


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