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Belarus, Türkiye prepare agreement on recognition of driving licenses


Belarus and Türkiye held bilateral consultations on consular issues in Minsk, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

The Belarusian delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov, the Turkish delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Yasin Ekrem Serim. 

The parties discussed a wide range of consular issues, including those related to border crossing, respect for the rights of Belarusian and Turkish citizens living abroad, and situations arising in mixed marriages. 

"Belarus and Türkiye reaffirmed commitment to continuing joint work on a number of bilateral agreements, including an agreement on the recognition of driving licenses, on cooperation in the field of youth policy and an additional protocol on amendments to the current visa waiver agreement," the press service said.