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FM: Belarus' relations with India should be as good as with China 


The level of Belarus' relations with India should not be lower than with China, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Maksim Ryzhenkov said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. 

“The president always says that with India we should aim for a level of relations no lower than with China. The country is huge, powerful, developed. There are opportunities to find some niches where we do not compete, where we, on the contrary, can create something together, be useful to each other and come up with some itnersting projects competitive in the international market,” Maksim Ryzhenkov is convinced. 

However, he noted, India gives greater priority to cooperation with Western countries. “Yet, there are a number of projects, a number of agreements. Without going into detail, i am sure we will witness their realization in the near future,” the minister added.