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Batch of Chinese vaccines arrives in Belarus

The consignment of the Chinese coronavirus vaccine has already been delivered to the Belpharmatsiya and Beltamozhservice warehouses, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.

Last night a military transport aircraft Il-76MD with the Chinese cargo on board landed on the Belarusian airfield in Machulishchi. The aircraft delivered the Chinese vaccine SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated by Sinopharm. The total route was 13,600km.

“The Belarusian pilots were met by chief doctor of the National Medical Response Center of the Healthcare Ministry Dmitry Alkhovik, and representatives of Belpharmatsiya Company. Commander of the 50th Mixed Air Force Base of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel Andrei Lukyanovich was also welcomed on the ground by representatives of the BRSM Youth Union. They presented flowers to the crew and expressed their gratitude for the assistance provided by pilots to healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the ministry said.

A total of 1.5 million doses of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated by Sinopharm arrived in Belarus - this amount was purchased by the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus. China also donated 500,000 doses of vaccine and 500,000 syringes to Belarus. The Healthcare Ministry of Belarus was actively assisted in this matter by representatives of foreign ministries and embassies of the two countries. Specialists of the Emergencies Ministry of Belarus received and accompanied the cargo, while the ministry's cadets unloaded the plane of the Defense Ministry upon arrival.

“It is planned that the vaccine will be distributed among the regions and Minsk after it passes the quality control of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, and the syringes receive registration of the Center for Examinations and Tests in Healthcare,” the Healthcare Ministry said.

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