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Belarus mulling over increasing government's role in state budget affairs


Belarus is mulling over strengthening the role of the government in issues related to the state budget at the constitutional level, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Chairman of the Constitutional Commission Piotr Miklashevich said during a session of the Constitutional Commission, BelTA has learned.

“State budget as a central element of the country's financial system is an indispensable attribute of a state and the economic and financial foundation for its sovereignty,” Piotr Miklashevich noted. “We are mulling over increasing the role of the government in drafting the budget, submitting it to the parliament, overseeing the execution of the state budget, and reporting to the parliament about its status. This will go in line with the constitutional and legal status of the government,” he added.

The Constitutional Commission convened for the third time on 28 April. The agenda of the meeting focuses on amendments to the provisions regarding the functions and powers of the president and the government – the Council of Ministers. The first meeting of the Constitutional Commission took place on 31 March. The commission is set to convene twice a month.