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Belarus suggests Year of Volunteer in CIS in 2016


MINSK, 11 December (BelTA) – Belarus suggests the Year of Volunteer in the CIS in 2016, head of the department for youth affairs of the Education Ministry Vitaly Brel told media on 11 December, BelTA has learnt.

“The issue of declaring 2016 the Year of Volunteer was initiated by Belarus and was considered at the 8th CIS Forum of Creative and Academic Intellectuals and the meeting of the CIS Council on Youth Affairs that were held in Minsk in 2013. The proposal was supported," Vitaly Brel noted.

Vitaly Brel also spoke about the Belarus-CIS cooperation in the youth policy. “Our CIS counterparts are interested in our experience in the work with young people both at companies and the rural area. We have councils on youth affairs at companies. Young employees are eligible to specific bonuses and perks. Our counterparts were interested in these things,” he noted. According to the specialist, Belarus, in turn, would be interested in CIS funds supporting youth initiatives.

Speaking about the youth policy in Belarus, Vitaly Brel stressed that this year young people have received an opportunity to work in student brigades throughout the year.