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Belarus to implement 15 sci-tech programs in 2021-2025


The government has defined lists of state and regional scientific and technical programs for 2021-2025. This is stipulated by Council of Ministers' Decree No.173 of 26 March 2021, which was officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal on 27 April, BelTA has learned.

The list includes 14 state programs. Among them are Digital Technologies and Robotics, Advanced Chemical and Biological Technologies, Green Technologies for Resource Management and Eco-Safety, Smart Instrumentation, Innovative Engineering and Machine Building Technologies, Micro- and Nanoelectronics Industry, Innovative Materials and Technologies, National Standards and High-Tech Research Equipment, Innovative Agro-Industrial and Food Technologies. Separate programs are devoted to scientific support of quality and availability of healthcare services, development of pharmaceutical substances and medicines, technologies of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, cyber security, and national defense capability.

Also on the list is one regional scientific and technical program - Innovative Development of Brest Oblast. It provides for the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the real sector of the region's economy and aims to improve its competitiveness.

The resolution entered into force after its official publication.