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Gennady Nevyglas: Belarus has implemented three programmes on mitigating consequences of Chernobyl disaster

For the past 21 years since the Chernobyl disaster Belarus has implemented three governmental programmes on mitigating consequences of this great man-cause catastrophe, the head of the Administration of Belarus’ President, said during a solemn opening ceremony of a symbolic monument “Peace Stone from Hiroshima” in Minsk. Life was revived in the Chernobyl-affected regions due to constant attention paid by other countries and joint efforts made by the Belarusian nation and foreign friends, the official said. Japan was one of the first countries to help Belarus. Belarusian and Japanese scientists maintain regular contacts to develop promising bilateral projects and programmes. Belarusian doctors and engineers take training courses in Japan on a permanent basis. Leading medical establishments of the two countries, which cure people suffering from diseases caused by radiation, actively cooperate as well. “We have managed to do the main thing – to overcome consequences of the catastrophe and to restore confidence in the future. Presenting the state awards of the Republic of Belarus to five representatives of Japan was a sign of our profound gratitude to the Japanese people,” said Gennady Nevyglas.