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Lukashenko names key tasks for new appointees


On 27 March Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave the go-ahead to the appointment of new senior officials at the regional, municipal and district administrations, BelTA has learned. 

“You know all the tasks. I have spoken about this more than once,” the president said addressing the appointees. “It is a special year. Everyone needs to get ready for political campaigns,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added. 

The head of state gave an instruction to pay close attention to the issues that concern the public most. At the same time, this does not mean that people themselves should solely rely on authorities to resolve their minor everyday issues, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted. 

“Keep track of prices. Pay attention to the problems in the housing and utilities sector. Agriculture is definitely your area of responsibility. The task to implement at least one investment project in each district also falls on you. We will keep this in mind, and above all I. This is my personal instruction to all heads of district executive committees. You need to go through the country looking for investors. This year you must report on the progress to fulfill this task. The scale of the project should depend on the availability of labor resources in each district,” the president noted.

The local authorities should also oversee the development of the manufacturing infrastructure, the head of state is convinced. “The markets are open, especially the huge Russian market. Everyone needs to put their shoulder to the wheel, not only the regional authorities, but also the heads of city and district executive committees. Our district executive committees are not fully involved, they do not work at their full capacity. They are going to face an increasing workload in this regard,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Addressing Sergei Lobodinsky, who was promoted to a new role as Brest Mayor (before the new appointment he was Chief of Administration of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee), the president noted: “From my perspective, you are a promising person, you know all the bottlenecks, shortcomings. Will things be set to rights in Brest?”

“They will,” the new mayor answered.

The head of state, in turn, noted that in the summer or autumn of this year he will visit Brest and check how things stand across all areas of life. “So far, I do not see any big problems with Brest Oblast. You may even perform no worse than other regions. But nevertheless…” the president noted.

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked about the reasons why Sergei Yermolitsky wanted to change his position as Chairman of the Gomel District Executive Committee for the role of Chairman of the Krugloye District Executive Committee.

“Mogilev Oblast is my homeland. I would like to work in Mogilev Oblast,” Sergei Yermolitsky explained. It was in this region that he worked for the most part of his career, he knows its specifics and he is sure that he will be useful to the region. 

The president paid special attention to certain aspects of development of Gomel Oblast. After the meeting in November 2022 where the state of affairs in the region and especially in its agro-industrial complex was discussed in detail, a number of specific instructions were given to reverse the negative trends and return to consistently positive performance.

“You know the problems. We cannot back down. This year will show a lot. It is good that you will stand next to the governors and will be have a responsibility. You understand your responsibility, don't you?” the president asked Dmitry Petrozhitsky who was approved for the position of Gomel Oblast First Deputy Governor. “There's the limit. Therefore, team up with Ivan Ivanovich Krupko [Gomel Oblast Governor], get yourself in a military mood and roll up your sleeves,” he added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also asked about the progress in spring sowing in Gomel Oblast. He emphasized the need to stick to technology and prepare the soil well for the planting. “If you apply the adequate amount of fertilizers, you will have a good harvest. If not, there will be no harvest. This applies to the whole of Belarus: we need to fertilize winter crops in time,” the head of state said. “I keep track of some fields. The fields that were fertilized 4-5 days ago when it was warm, are now green. And rapeseed is turning green little by little. I insist that the martial law-style discipline should be in place during the planting period. We have to work day and night, apply fertilizers in time,” the president said. To achieve this, of course, the country needs workforce, therefore people should be incentivized, including financially, to help with the spring planting,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

Summarizing what was said above, the president once again emphasized: “Everything is in your hands. Go ahead and act. You will not be able to pass the buck. The time will be hard. This should keep you on your toes,” the president said.

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