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Lukashenko suggests another New Year's tradition


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko suggested starting another New Year's tradition as he attended a charity event as part of the Our Children nationwide campaign on 29 December, BelTA has learned.

"Dear friends! My young friends! First of all, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. A holiday of magic, fun and gifts, which you begin to celebrate long before everyone else - as soon as Christmas trees are lit in kindergartens and schools," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state stressed that any country is always strong with its traditions: "If we say that our country is sovereign, independent, then it should have its own traditions. Native to Belarus. We have a lot of these traditions."

One of such traditions, he noted, is the New Year's Eve Ball in the Palace of Independence. Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled its story. Several years ago a decision was taken to hold New Year's Eve Ball along the lines of the famous Vienna Ball. Initially, the Austrians suggested making the ball in the Palace of Independence a Vienna Ball. "But then I said, 'Why the Vienna Ball? We will hold the Belarusian New Year's Eve Ball." And it has become a tradition," the president said.

"Today we have another tradition - a New Year celebration together with the president. There will be other presidents, but this tradition will continue, should you want it," Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “I will tell you frankly: every year on New Year's Eve, all of us, organizers and participants of festive events, prepare for meetings with you. We do it in advance and in a very responsible way. If someone thinks that it is easy to speak in front of children, easy to organize events for children, then he or she is wrong. Ask your teachers, who are with you today, and they will tell you that the hardest, most difficult thing is to prepare for a meeting with children, especially on New Year's Eve.”

New Year's Eve is time that encourages every adult to become a magician, the head of state said. “What do wizards do? They make wishes come true. Another tradition, which originated in our sovereign, independent Belarus, is called Our Children. On New Year's Eve, during this festive season, all the adults, businessmen, business executives, MPs, government officials, pay visits to children in orphanages, boarding schools, schools, and family-type homes. They bring New Year presents to our children and everyone who lives there,” the president said.

According to the head of state, this campaign has also become a good tradition, rooted in the mindset of the Belarusian people. “It should be continued throughout the Old New Year, when we visit our senior citizens, who are lonely today. There are also those who have been forgotten by their own children. We will all grow old one day. Even you. We must always remember about our elderly. I would like this charity campaign Our Children, when adults make presents to children, to continue in the New Year with presents for our seniors,” the Belarusian leader said.

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