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Canadian expert: Mass protests are designed to paralyze Belarus


Mass protest actions, which are staged in Belarus by outside forces, are designed to paralyze the country, BelTA learned from Kenneth Fernandes, a Canadian political consultant, a bachelor of law.

The consultant believes that the carefully planned series of protests is financed by shady foreign funds. They and certain other organizations are directly involved in the implementation of such coups in other countries as well. Unfortunately, multiple tools for inciting violence are used in order to achieve the goal that has been set – the overthrow of the current government.

The consultant believes that these organizations have a huge influence on world mass media. It has been known for a long time that visual information has the strongest impact on public opinion, particularly in Western countries.

As an example Kenneth Fernandes mentioned the American PR company Hill and Knowlton, which manipulations forced the public to approve of the U.S. invasion in Iraq in 1990. The then U.S. president tried to gain public support. However, public support was achieved only after Hill and Knowlton carried out a psychological operation, which was publicized by a large number of Western media. After that the general public of many Western countries approved of the U.S. invasion in Iraq.