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Lukashenko emphasizes importance of country's humanitarian security


During his meeting with scientists at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on 11 September Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized the importance of ensuring humanitarian security of the state, BelTA has learned.

“Not everything in our lives is measured in money. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that scientific priorities comprise the efforts to ensure state security, including humanitarian one,” the Belarusian leader said.

He emphasized that representatives of the scientific sector are the brains of the nation. “Remember that scientists need to consolidate the Belarusian society with their research and development. Each of us needs to understand how the Belarusian people got their statehood and the right to decide their own destiny. We cannot lose it. Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going? Our children should receive answers to these questions not only from their grandfathers. They should receive them from us, our scientists, teachers, professors,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president stated that social sciences should exclude even the hypothetical possibility of double standards in evaluating historical events, put a strong barrier to fraud or distortion of the facts on which traditional values are based.

“No one but us is interested in being a strong sovereign and independent country, a country where people honor the past, value the present and are confident in the future because they rely on patriotism and national scientific schools,” he concluded.