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New Belarusian ambassador on cooperation between Belarus, United States


There are many areas where Belarus and the United States can cooperate, where their interests coincide, Oleg Kravchenko, who has been appointed Ambassadress Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the United States, told BelTA.

“The areas where our interests coincide, first of all, includes the cooperation in attracting financial resources, economic and energy dialogue, international security, law enforcement cooperation,” Oleg Kravchenko noted.

“The fact that we belong to various military and political blocs does not exclude, but rather necessitates developing contacts between the military,” the ambassador is convinced.

"Of course, we do not see eye to eye on everything. A dialogue on those issues where we diverge remains an important element of our bilateral relations,” the ambassador said.

“I would like to see our relations normalized and stable,” Ambassador Oleg Kravchenko noted.