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Parliamentary Assembly passes Union State budget 2008

The Parliamentary Assembly (PA) passed the Union State budget for 2008 during the 32nd PA session of the Belarus-Russia Union State on November 14 in Moscow, BelTA learnt in the PA press service. The budget revenues are estimated at RUB 4 billion 61 million, of them RUB 2 billion 640 million will be allocated by the Russian Federation and RUB 1 billion 421 million – by the Republic of Belarus. In line with the draft, the budget expenditures will equal the revenues. The funds will be channeled into 38 Union State programmes and sub-programmes. Besides, the budget will provide funding of new Union State programmes. Among them are programmes on arrangement of the Union State external border, joint anti-crime efforts, cooperation in outer space exploration, defence, IT and other spheres. Some 34.6% of expenditures will be funneled into industry, power engineering, construction, transport and communications; 13.1% will be used for military and technical cooperation, law enforcement activities; 9.8% will be spent on environmental protection and handling emergencies; 13.7% will be aimed at social policy, healthcare, physical education, culture, mass media, education. After the first reading about 30 amendments were put forward, chairman of the PA commission for budget and finances Vladimir Nikitin reported. The draft budget was hotly debated nonetheless the deputies managed to reach a consensus, he noted. Soon the budget will be submitted to the Union Sate Supreme State Council.