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Presidents of Belarus, Azerbaijan sign cooperation agreement

Today, in Baku (Azerbaijan), the Presidents of Belarus and Azerbaijan have signed an agreement on friendship and cooperation.

Under the agreement, the sides reaffirm their commitment to ensuring favourable conditions for the development of mutually-beneficial Belarusian-Azerbaijani economic cooperation and pledge to take measures to perfect the mechanism of economic and trade relations.

Belarus and Azerbaijan say they are ready to continue the work on creating an enabling economic, financial and legal environment for promotion of small-business.

Under the agreement, Belarus and Azerbaijan say they intend to develop cooperation in transit and transport, communications, within the UN framework and that of other international organisations, to intensify interaction between parliaments, governmental and public organisations, local administrative and local self-government bodies.

The parties reaffirmed their desire to consistently pursue the policy of partnership in security sphere on the bilateral and multilateral basis. They also pledge to actively promote peace.