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Prime Minister wants export of services to grow faster

Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky set out the task to boost exports of services and take all necessary measures to replace their imports. The export of services has been on an increase recently. However the import of services has been growing faster including that one from the CIS countries (by $79 million in January- September), Sergei Sidorsky said during a session of the Council of Ministers on October 23. According to the Prime Minister, the import of transport services should be restricted first thing. Over the nine months the target of achieving a foreign trade surplus has not been met, Sergei Sidorsky said. He also took note of a big deficit in trade with Russia and CIS countries in general. Today indigenous goods in the trading network of Belarus account for 77.3%, including foodstuffs – 85%, nonfoods – 66%. “People have to spend money on imported goods,” the Prime Minister said. Over the eight months the imports of nonfoods upped by 23%, not considering imports of cars – by 21%. According to Sergei Sidorsky, over the nine months around Br16.7 trillion was invested in the Belarusian economy. 65% of the investments was injected into manufacturing facilities. Investments in the real economy sector came to $2.3 billion. This is good showing, Sergei Sidorsky believes. He also noted that in January-September the inflation was lower in Belarus than in some CIS countries. In Belarus it was 5.6%, in Russia – 7.5%, in Ukraine – 8.6%. Sergei Sidorsky also noted that over the nine months the GDP surged by 8.4%. It has been steadily growing on a quarterly basis. This attests to the fact the programmes implemented in Belarus meet the needs of the economy.