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Second festival in Narva gathers Belarusians from Baltic states

The second international festival of the Belarusian song held in Narva Cultural Centre Rugodiv has become the real holiday of the Belarusian art. The event has been organized by the local Belarusian society Syabry and the General Consulate of Belarus to Tallinn. As BelTA has learnt from Consul General Alexander Ostrovsky, over 600 spectators met with ovation the performances of the amateur artists from the Belarusian organizations of the Baltic states – ensembles Nadzeya (Riga), Svitanak (Visaginas), Alesya and Lyanok (Tallinn,), BEZ (Johvi, Kohtla-Jarve,), Krynitsa (Sillamae,). The participants of the event were welcomed by Alexander Ostrovsky, Chairman of the Association of Estonian Belarusians Nina Savinova, Chairman of the Union of Belarusians in Latvia Valentina Piskunova, Director of the Cultural Centre Krok of the town of Visaginas (Lithuania) Oleg Davidiuk, representatives of Narva Municipality, heads of the Belarusian societies of Estonia. Representatives of the abovementioned organizations partook in the roundtable “the Belarusian presence in the Baltic States”. The participants of the festival were awarded diplomas of the General Consulate and Narva Municipality.