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Vatican Ambassador: Sanctions against Belarus are counterproductive

VITEBSK, 4 April (BelTA) – Sanctions against Belarus will not bring positive results, Apostolic Nuncio of Belarus Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti told a press conference in the Catholic Cathedral Church of Jesus the Merciful in Vitebsk on 4 April, BelTA learnt. According to the diplomat, before he left for Belarus, the Pope instructed him to work to the benefit of Belarus and its people regardless of the reasons that lie behind the conflict between Belarus and the European Union. “We will try to minimize the scope of the conflict, as its repercussions will affect ordinary people, first of all,” Claudio Gugerotti said. “The Catholic Church has no power over European or Belarusian officials, however, the presence of the Vatican Ambassador in Belarus is a reminder to other diplomats that isolation and the absence of a constructive dialogue have never brought and will never bring positive results,” the Archbishop said. He expressed hope that his fellow diplomats will soon come back to Belarus. “The escalation of the conflict has brought about a situation when European officials do not know what to do to find a way out and put an end to this situation,” he said. Political studies have revealed that tensions tend to mount. A change is needed to improve the situation and remove tensions. “The Catholic Church does not set the ambitious goal to become the one who will resolve the situation, but it will try to make a contribution to bring this confrontation to an end,” he said. He underlined that Vatican has enough expertise and knowledge to deal with such situations and has always tried to work to the benefit of people. Pope Benedict XVI appointed Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti Apostolic Nuncio in Belarus on 16 July. Earlier Claudio Gugerotti held the post of apostolic nuncio in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. This post is diplomatic. Nuncio is a diplomatic representative of the Pope in a country with which the Vatican has diplomatic relations.