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Website created for Belarus-Latvia small-scale border traffic

MINSK, 1 February (BelTA) – The State Border Committee (SBC) of Belarus has developed a special Internet website to update the population on the latest developments with the small-scale border traffic between Belarus and Latvia, SBC told BelTA. The website contains the main notions on small-scale border traffic, the list of administrative and territorial units and the list of documents necessary for crossing the border. The agreement signed by Belarus and Latvia provides for simplified (visa-free) order of border crossing by residents of border areas. The intergovernmental agreement was signed in Riga on 23 August 2010. On 1 December 2011, the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee hosted a ceremony to exchange the written notifications on completion of internal procedures required for the document to enter into force. On that day, local authorities started forming lists of residents of the border areas eligible for permits. Permits will be issued on the basis of the lists of residents of the border areas by the General Consulate in Daugavpils and the Consulate in Vitebsk.