Lepel district is an amazing part on of Belarusian land, located in the south of Vitebsk region. Here, historical destinies, cultures and traditions of different nationalities - Belarusians, Russians, Poles, Jews - are amazingly intertwined.
Lepel district is famous for its lakes and forests. The local landscapes are incredibly beautiful at any time of the year. The pristine aura of these places attracts the masters of the brush like a magnet.
The district's wealth is its forests. The area of the green necklace is 96 thousand hectares or 53% of the district's territory. Blue arteries organically permeate the expanses of Lepel land. More than 80 rivers and streams, like a network of small veins, pulsate under the canopy of coastal thickets of willows and bird cherry. Nature, with a generous hand, scattered over 130 turquoise crystal lakes on the green carpet, thus completing the decoration of Lepel land. The largest lakes are Lepelskoye (area 10.18 sq. km), Okono, Bereshcha, Voron, Bobritsa, Teklits, Kakisimo.
Undoubtedly, the main decoration of the natural treasury is the State Nature Conservation Institution "Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve" with its center in Domzheritsy village - the largest scientific and educational institution of global significance. The ecosystems of swamps and black alder forests have no analogues not only in Belarus, but also on the entire European continent. Berezinsky Reserve is home to 93 species of animals and 86 species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. Among them are such rare species of animals as the brown bear, European bison, lynx, golden eagle, Siberian (Lapland) gray owl, eagle owl, black stork, etc., and among the plants - lady's slipper, Siberian iris, gladiolus imbricata, club moss, etc. Of particular interest is the aboriginal population of beaver. Today, the total number of biological species living in Berezinsky Reserve exceeds 6,000. And this is far from a complete list. An eloquent recognition of the uniqueness of the landscapes of Berezinsky Reserve is the fact that it, among the first reserves of the former USSR, was awarded the status of a biosphere reserve in 1979. The merits of the reserve in preserving global landscape and biological diversity were noted by the Council of Europe in 1995.
The district is rich in historical and cultural monuments, which creates good conditions for the development of tourism. In Lepel district, there are 47 historical and cultural sites of regional significance. This list is quite extensive, but first of all, I would like to note the castle (14th – 16th centuries), located on the island opposite of Stary Lepel village and the ruins of the defensive ramparts of the fortress (16th century) in Susha village. Of particular architectural value are such architectural monuments as the Church of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa (1868) and the Church of St. Casimir (1876) in Lepel, as well as the post office building (1902) and the building of the former wine distillation warehouse (1897) in the city center.
Agroecotourism is actively developing in Lepel district. There is a tourist route Greenways "Land of yellow water lilies and gray boulders", which meets the European standard of green routes. The poetic name of the route comes from the historical and natural features of Lepel district. The green route "Land of yellow water lilies and gray boulders" is designed for all who love nature and active recreation, are interested in the history, culture and ethnography of Belarusian people.
The route is 155 km long. The main mode of transport is bicycles. Local pedestrian ecological trails and elements of water trips are provided. The main axis of the route: Lepel - Stary Lepel - Selishche - Okono - Barsuki - Yushki - Vily - Onoshki - Zamosh'e - Dobraya Voda tract - Latigalichi - Krasnoluki - Gogolevka - Volosovichi - Polsvizh - Lepel. The water part of the route runs along the Essa River for about 20 km.
The road surface along the route is mainly asphalt, forest and village roads make up 10%.
During a fascinating journey through Lepel district, tourists will be able to see:
Thematic loops of the route “The Land of Yellow Water Lilies and Gray Boulders”:
An extensive cultural program along the route consists of concerts, authentic songs performed by the folklore ensemble “Okonitsa” in Okono village, the Christmas carol ritual game “Tereshka’s Marriage”, and a visit to peasant farm “Lyukshino”, which develops traditional old Belarusian forms of land use.
Lepel District has the following accommodation options for tourists: 3 hotels - Hotel Complex “Plavno”, Hotel Complex “Serguch”, Hotel “Lepel” at 65 Ulyanka St., Fishermen's and Hunters' Lodges on the territory of Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve; SPA and medical resorts: Lepel Military SPA and Medical Resort of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus with 347 beds and Children's Rehabilitation and Health Center “Zhemchuzhina” with 484 beds; resort hotel “LODE”; Hunters' Lodges of Lepel Forestry State Institution with 12 beds, Hunters' Lodges of LLC Hunting Farm “Zoryanka” with 20 beds.
In Lepel there is a House of Culture, a restaurant, three bars, four cafes, a post office, shops, two markets, and service facilities.
Roadside service is well developed, especially on the central highway M-3 Minsk - Vitebsk. Roadside service complexes "Gostiny Dvor", "At Matesha`s", cafe "Seven Winds", bistro "Virage", retail outlets with mini-cafes in Staroe Lyadno, Chernoruchye, Kamen, Bobrovo villages and others. Rest stops are equipped along all road networks. Gas stations operate for refueling vehicles with all types of fuel.
Orsha-Lepel railway line and Minsk-Vitebsk, Lepel-Polotsk, Orsha-Lepel, Lepel-Ulla, Dokshitsy-Lepel-Chashniki highways pass through the district.
For all questions concerning tourism in the Lepel district, please contact the Information and Tourist Center of the State Institution "Lepel District Physical Culture and Health Center", located at: Lepel, Lobanok str., 52a. Working hours: from 8.00 to 17.00, lunch from 13.00 to 14.00, days off - Saturday, Sunday.
SNI “Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve”
SI “Lepel Military SPA and Medical Resort of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus
CUE Children's Rehabilitation and Health Center “Zhemchuzhina”