There are 25 religious communities (6 confessions) in the region, including:
12 Orthodox communities (4 communities in the town of Lepel, the other four in the villages of Chereischina, Zaslonovo, Borovka, Sloboda, Pyshno, Domzheritsy, Makarovschina, Yurkovschina);
2 Catholic communities (Lepel, the village of Veselovo);
1 Evangelical Christian-Baptists community (Lepel);
1 New Apostolic community (Lepel);
2 Second Advent Christians communities (Lepel, the village of Gorodinets);
7 Evangelical communities (Lepel, the villages of Gorodinets, Chereischina, Matyrino, Yurkovschina, Domzheritsy, Chertsy).
All the religious organizations have their own buildings, 4 of them are species of architecture: St. Casimir Catholic Church (1876), St. Parasceva Church (1868), a church in the village of Makarovschina (1894), St. George the Victorious Church (1900).
In August 2005, the Orthodox spiritual centre opened in the town of Lepel.
The temples under construction are the Nativity of Christ Church in the town of Lepel, an Evangelical church in the village of Gorodinets.