There are sports schools int eh town catering to children and young people.
More than 50 playgrounds and 25 gyms have been adjusted for gymnastics and other sports.
The town has out-of-school recuperation and sports organizations, sections, clubs for handball, boxing, judo, weightlifting and rowing.
Local football, chess, judo, boxing and weightlifting teams have won oblast-wide and national competitions. The region’s best sportsmen competed in European and World championships. They are Eugeny Petukhov (boxing), Maxim Dzhamilashvili and Yekaterina Filinovich (judo), Anna Sukhomirova (handball).
The juniour football team “Kozhany Myach” took national champion titles of the Republic of Belarus in 2007.
A special attention is attached to development of physical culture at enterprises. Various sports and athletics competitions between companies, organizations and establishments of the town, sports festivals are regularly organized in the region.
The list of cafes and accommodation facilities, hunter’s houses, recreation areas, agro-tourism centres, amusement and road servicing facilities features.
Restaurant Volna, 9, Leninskaya street, working time – 12pm – 2am, the number of seats – 80-100.
Café Volna, 9, Leninskaya street, working time: Friday, Saturday and Sunday – 8pm – 2am, the number of seats – 60.
Billiard-bar Blues, 7, Leninskaya street, a computer club, a billiard room, the number of seats – 8, a banquet room– 12 seats.
Café Bistro, 2, Svobody Square, the number of seats – 36, a banquet room – 20 seats.
Club Na Lune, 7, Svobody Square, the number of seats – 70.
Road café 7 Vetrov, 2, Tsvetochnaya street (Minsk-Vitebsk highway), the number of seats – 12, a banquet room – 24.
The Lepel Regional Museum, 66, Kalinina street.
The Lepel House of Crafts, 13, Danukalova street.
A sports centre, 52a, Lobanka street, a gym, a sauna, etc.
A hotel is expected to be constructed at the intersection of Gorkogo and Voikova streets.
A road café is expected to be constructed on the road Lepel-Polotsk.
Billiard-bar Virazh, the village of Borovka, the number of seats – 50.
Road café Visit , the village of Staroe Lyadno, the number of seats – 50.
Health centre LODE, Lepel lake area, a café-bar, the number of seats – 60, accommodations, a sauna, a billiard, a parking.
The Lepel Military Health Centre (Minsk-Vitebsk highway).
The Hunter’s House, the village of Slobodka.
Hunting ground Zaryanka, 3 houses, Zadnee Lake
Recreation area Lieburg Huntfish, the village of Matyrino.
A parking, 5 km far from Lepel (Minsk direction), a café.
A parking, 7 km far from Lepel (Minsk direction), a café.
Berezina Biosphere Reserve, experimental hunting ground Barsuki, hotel Plavno.
Hotel Serguch, a parking, the Museum of Nature, the House of Eco-Education. The hotel has a bar, a restaurant, a banquet room, a billiard room, a sauna.